The Trellis Preferred Provider Network.

We have a group of providers who specialize in areas we don’t. This is a network of like-minded professionals who are the top in their fields, credentialed, and thrive in well-established practices. Don’t just settle for a name on a page. Choose a Trellis Preferred Provider, and know you are choosing quality.

Meet Trellis Preferred Providers.

  • Hill Country Pediatric Psychiatry

    Dr. Jackson tailors each patient's treatment to their specific needs & wishes. Psychotherapy techniques & education/support are incorporated into all follow up appointments. If psychiatric medication is determined to be an important addition to one's treatment plan her strategy is to treat with the lowest effective dose, and to prescribe as few medications as possible. If psychiatric medication is not indicated she offers applicable referrals (i.e., individual and/or family therapy, pediatrics).

  • Collins Counseling

    For the devoted mom, life can sometimes feel like a never-ending balancing act. It's entirely normal to feel like the demands of our identity, family, work, and life are pulling you in a million directions. The constant hustle, the never-ending to-do lists, and the nagging feeling that you're about to drop one of those spinning plates. But here's the good news: You don't have to navigate this journey alone.

    In my private therapy practice, I'm all about helping anxious moms like you find a little peace in the midst of the mom-life madness. I totally get it. It's easy to feel like you're stuck in a whirlwind of chaos that can leave you feeling drained, stressed, and even questioning your ability to manage it all. I'm here to help you regain your equilibrium and rediscover the joy in your daily life.

  • New Braunfels ER & Hospital

    Our mission is to provide the residents of New Braunfels, and its surrounding communities, with access to concierge-level emergency care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Frustrated by the current state of emergency care, our founding physicians sought to solve the issues that are typical of large, congested hospitals. Our brand of inclusive and compassionate emergency care became the remedy.

    We provide immediate access to the best physicians, nurses, and support staff our community has in a calming, upscale setting.